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Annotated Texts

A project I was engaged in before building the site was a demystification of academic practices through sharing some of my research methods. These scans of books show how I annotate texts for future reference. 

'What is Subjectivity.'

This is Sartre's 1961 lecture to the Gramsci Institute in Rome. In it he offers a Marxist critique of Objectivity.

Thought I didn't quote this text in my thesis it helped me formulate my own critique of Objectivity.



This is a collection of essays by Hélène Cixous and was foundational to my work.


'The Society of the Spectacle'

This is a wonderful, rich and complex text by Guy Debord that charts, among other things, the intrusion of capitalism into every aspect of our lives and the tools that capitalism uses to conceal its traces.


I used this in my analysis of aesthetic labour.


'Improvisation: It's Nature and Practice in Music.'

Long considered a necessary text on the nature of improvisation this is a must read for anyone interested in the field.


This constitutes another conditional work in my thesis but in a wholly different way from Cixous.

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